BBC staff to deliver 400-strong petition over Gaza appeal decision

February 22, 2009 - 0:0

More than 400 BBC staff have signed a petition in protest at the corporation' decision not to broadcast the Gaza humanitarian aid appeal after the BBC Trust yesterday backed director general Mark Thompson's handling of the issue.

Broadcasting union Bectu said the petition would be handed to Thompson's office while a copy would also be delivered to the BBC Trust.
Signatories to the petition expressed their “deep disappointment” with Thompson's decision to block the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal last month and urged him to reverse his stance. The decision led to 40,000 complaints to the corporation and nationwide protests outside its offices.
“We strongly disagree with your assessment about the effect that
[the DEC] broadcast would have on the impartiality of the BBC,” the petition said. “By denying the victims of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza a chance of assistance, the BBC is actually taking sides.”
The petition is the latest form of protest from BBC staff to Thompson's decision. Last month, several Bectu and National Union of Journalists branches called upon him to reverse his decision, although a resolution condemning his decision by the NUJ BBC TV Centre chapel was voted down.
The BBC Trust backed Thompson's handling of the decision, although it said it was not making a judgment on whether it was right or wrong.
Solicitors acting for two residents of Gaza and a UK national said they were likely to push ahead with a judicial review of the decision at the high court, which could occur as early as next week.